Between June 28, 2023 and July 07, 2023, the Global Health Academy scientific and practical seminar was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty and Astana Medical University in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan). The workshop was organized as part of the Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe-Central Asia Region (BACE) project, which is implemented within the Erasmus+ CA2 CBHE program and of which TNMU is a partner.

The workshop was attended by Yurii Petrashyk and Natalia Slobodian, Associate Professors of the Department of Public Health and Healthcare Management of the Ivan Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, who are among the participants of the aforementioned BACE project from TNMU.

The workshop was an intermediate stage of a large-scale collaboration between nine universities from five countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Norway, and Germany) to build academic capacity in global health and develop the Research Methods for Global Health curriculum on for masters students, PhD students, and medical interns.

During the seminar, in order to build the capacity of teachers in terms of pedagogical and methodological approaches, the participants themselves conducted and listened to lectures and presentations by colleagues, and participated in discussions. 

Associate Professor Yurii Petrashyk holds a demonstration class on the topic "Benefits/risks of physical activity/inactivity" 

Training sessions were held on the following topics: "Fundamentals of non-communicable diseases", "Physical activity and non-communicable diseases", "Availability/implementation of NCD policy", "Monitoring/surveillance of NCDs on a global scale", "Financing mechanisms for combating non-communicable diseases", etc. Each lecture was followed by discussions on the practical application of the material. 

During the group discussions, the participants discussed the peculiarities and methods of teaching students the material at the represented educational institutions. At the end of the workshop, plans and tasks for further cooperation between the project participants were discussed.

It is worth reminding that the previous workshop under the BACE project was held on May 21-25, 2023 at the University of Georgia in Tbilisi (Georgia). During the workshop, participants listened to lectures and presentations by colleagues from the Department of Community Medicine of The Arctic University of Norway: Associate Professor Kristin Benjaminsen Borch, Associate Professor Karin Charlotte Maria Rylander, and Associate Professor Erik Eik Anda on the following topics: Introduction to Scientific Knowledge and Learning, Systematic Literature Searches, Qualitative Research Methods/Mixed Research Methods, Introduction to Critical Appraisal, Publication Bias (When Evaluating Available Information), Introducing Tools for Critical Appraisal, Introduction to Scientific Writing, Publication Bias/Publication Quality/Plagiarism, Introduction to Scientific Project Protocol/Paper.